April Fool’s Day Fun

I had fun this morning making a little April Fool’s Day greeting…at least until my husband asked, “Why would you draw a flower for April Fool’s Day?”

Official Fun Day

Huh? What? It’s not a flower. It’s a fool’s cap.

So, maybe it was his idea of an April Fool’s joke, or maybe he was just confused because I’d started a watercolor painting of a bouquet of flowers last night. Or maybe he’s right. Maybe my little jester’s hat does look more like a misshapen flower.

No matter. It was a fun thing to make for my new watercolor journal, and what better day to have lots of fun with my art? I’m declaring today as an Official Fun Day. Recently I created a Fun Things page and shared one fun little watercolor technique — using salt for background effects. I have more I want to explore, like the “splotchy drops” background I used for my fool’s cap. It’s done with rubbing alcohol right from the medicine cabinet.

So, Happy April Fool’s Day. Have fun today whatever you do, and be watching the Fun Things page for new little tricks.


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